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Ellen for Colorado State Board of Education

What I Believe – What I Will Do.

I am Ellen Angeles, and I am running for the Colorado State School Board in the Third Congressional District. 

My father was a school principal, and my mother dedicated her life to teaching. I have spent over 20 years in education and have taught in Leadville, Durango, and Montrose. I am also a mom. With a child currently in our local school district, I understand education as both an educator and a parent.

I am concerned that there are those who put their political agenda ahead of education. They want the government to intrude into our personal lives, diminish free speech, and turn back the clock on education. However, what students need today is very different from the 1950s, 1980s, or even the 2010s.

Look at what I believe, then at my proposals for reform. If you agree, consider supporting my campaign, even volunteering time to help us put students ahead of politics.

1. On teaching: Students should be taught how to think, not what to think. The far left and far right want to force their beliefs on kids and use schools to further a radical agenda.

What I will do: I will work to establish media literacy programs in every school. Students will learn to distinguish facts from falsehoods and reality from conspiracy theories. They will be able to critically examine what they see and hear on the Internet, TV, social media, and even rumors that can quickly spread through a community.

2. On censorship: No group of parents, or school boards should dictate what students can or cannot read outside the classroom. School libraries must be protected from those who would ban books. It is the job of parents to guide what their children read. Discussions with our children about this build trust and responsibility. Students who are exposed to different points of view learn to think for themselves.

What I will do: I will advocate for legislation preventing banning of books in school libraries. At the same time, I recognize that some materials may require parental permission.

3. On STEM: Science, technology, engineering, and math are core elements of a 21st century curriculum. STEM careers are in high demand and important for the U.S. to stay competitive globally.

What I will do: I will work to make elective STEM classes more readily available in high school. I will help develop mentoring programs, summer internships, and counselor training.

4. On art and music: Art and music are not “nice to haves.” They are essential to academic achievement.

What I will do: I will work to fund music and art as a regular part of a student’s week. The creative arts can turn around a student’s life and supercharge their love of learning. Creativity improves proficiency in science, math, and language arts.

5. On teaching history: Strong social studies programs build strong citizens. When students learn history as it occurred, not hidden from the facts, they are more likely to understand the process of our democracy.

What I will do: I will work to ensure that history classes include the country’s many achievements, but also its failures and periods of cruelty. This includes instruction about how democracy works to overcome problems and improve life for its citizens.

6. Early childhood education: A child’s public-school education should begin before they are old enough to attend public school. Parents are the first and primary caregivers and school districts should help them get their kids “school ready.” It gives them a boost to hit the ground running.

What I will do: I will advocate for and build awareness about Colorado’s Universal Preschool Program. I  will also see that every district learns about “Delta County ‘s Backpack Program.” will collaborate with community  organizations to partner with parents and provide pre-school families with materials that develop vocabulary, creativity, reading and problem-solving. 

7. On responsibility: Academic success happens when students, parents, teachers and administrators work together. Each has responsibilities. When students struggle, it is time to work together, not point fingers or blame each other. Failure can affect a student’s life for many years. We need to collaborate, set reasonable goals, build trust, secure resources, and help students take responsibility. We also need to recognize the important role counselors play and where troubled students seek help. 

What I will do: I will advocate for better pay and training for school counselors. I will work to identify best practices for school districts.

8. The right to feel safeALL students have a right to be safe, feel comfortable, and be in a welcoming environment.

What I will do: I will work to improve anti-bullying policies and their enforcement to protect vulnerable students. 

9. Technical education: A college degree is not the only path toward career success. One size does not fit all. There are many paths to a happy, fulfilled life.

What I will do: I will build awareness around Colorado Technical Education Programs already in place. I will also work to increase opportunities for technical education and to identify next generation careers and bring them to our school districts.

10. Charter schools: Charter schools should be designed for students who do not thrive in a traditional academic setting. They are paid for by our taxes and should not be used to support narrow curriculums that serve a specific group of parents. They are meant to complement, not replace, traditional public schools. 
What I will do: I will ensure charter schools are held accountable to meet or exceed state content standards and are there to support underserved populations.

Paid for by Ellen for Colorado, Registered Agent Ellen Angeles
PO BOX 574
Montrose, Colorado 81401
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